Tag Archive | courage

OM Times Health & Wellness Editorial – BCABPP

OM Times Health & Wellness Editorial - BCABPP

It’s hard to believe another month has come and gone!  Where oh where does the time go when you’re having fun?  Technically, time is the same whether we enjoy it or not, so why not embrace each moment as an adventure to create fun or at least something positive from each experience?  Being conscious and aware in each moment we are granted an opportunity to take those metaphorical “lemons” and create “lemonade!”   Some situations are easier to recognize than others, but I believe that we have the ability to create change with (IN) that ultimately create change that ripples (OUT)ward.

What if you were told you had breast cancer?  Would you be able to stop in that moment and breath, rather than allow fear to run rampant?  Looking for a way to not only get through it, but rise above it?   There is no doubt we all have the potential, but until tested we never know our inner strength and in what way the creative, divine, universal force can masterfully use “each” situation to create something beautiful and inspirational.

Recently I had the pleasure to connect virtually with a group of visionary artists, photographer(s), and breast cancer survivors working on an ARTivism Project that I fell in love with.  The dots leading up to the connection are mildly entertaining, but the story caught my attention and inspired me.  Unless you knew my previous 50 years you cannot appreciate the distance beyond my “box” I have walked.  My navigational beacon (heart) directs me to the project.

What I continue to see are individuals committed to using their pain & adversity to create something amazing!  The Breast Cancer Awareness Body Paint Project (BCABPP) incorporates the survivor’s story and message into the painting.  What makes the project so unique is the human canvas being used.  Real women with real scars and real stories have the opportunity to share their story of survival through a beautiful work of art.  Currently, the project is being censored on Facebook as offensive or pornographic in nature.  You will have the opportunity to read more about this project a little further in the magazine and make your own determination.

This month look for your opportunity.  When you find the situation that you feel is impossible to create something positive from remember that in changing your perception of the world, you change the world.  ~deZengo

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

– Margaret Mead.


omtimesmagazine, novemeber2011, health, wellness, healthyadventures, local, courage, dancepartnersinlife, love, editorial, humanityhealing, sacredspacestudio, deZengodesigns, Namaspirittn, yogajourneytohealing,