Tag Archive | attunement

Meditation for Attunement


You may wish to have peaceful music
playing while you meditate. Sit comfortably,either
with a straight back (legs and arms uncrossed) or
in the lotus posture. Close your eyes and begin
to relax both your body and your mind.

Consciously inhale the white light while
saying to yourself: “Be still and know “,

then exhale while saying to yourself:

“. . . that I AM God.”

Do this for three breaths.

Now mentally say three times: “I go within”.


Visualize a beam of pink and golden light
emanating from your heart centre, going up
through your crown centre (top of the head)
and reaching up to the heart of your I AM
Presence (your Spirit body) which may be
seen as standing above you. This connects
you to God.


Each time you ask your I AM Presence to
send you a flame, visualize the flame
penetrating and transmuting your aura. See
yourself in the centre of the flame. Stay
inside it for a while, and then affirm your
union with the flame by saying,

“I AM the … Flame”.

All flames must be seen as clean and pure.

You may meditate longer on the blue, violet
and pink flames.


Mentally affirm the sentences in bold type.
Pause for a time between each sentence.

I AM Presence – send me the White


(The White Flame cleanses.)

I AM the White Flame.

I AM Presence – send me the Ruby
Red Flame.

(The Ruby Red Flame is dynamic and gives

Do not sit in this flame for too long as it
may over stimulate the root chakra.)

I AM the Ruby Red Flame.

I AM Presence – send me the Orange


(The Orange Flame is the vitality of the

I AM the Orange Flame.

I AM Presence – send me the Yellow


(The Yellow Flame soothes the nervous
system and expands the mind.)

I AM the Yellow Flame.

I AM Presence – send me the Green


(The Green Flame gives peace, harmony,
and balance.)

I AM the Green Flame.

I AM Presence – send me the Blue


(The Blue Flame is for mental balance.)

I AM the Blue Flame.

I AM Presence – send me the Violet


(The Violet Flame transmutes and
consumes all negative qualities within and
around you.)

I AM the Violet Flame.

I AM Presence – send me the Pink


(The Pink Flame uplifts and soothes.)

I AM the Pink Flame.

Give thanks by sending Healing to the

Ask your I AM Presence to send one or two
of the eight flames into the Earth, then for a
few minutes visualize the Earth surrounded by and filled with this flame, to help bring peace and spiritual understanding to all.

The Breath of Elohim
The Breaths of the Elohim
The Two Breaths of the Elohim are truly One Breath that helps us become One with Our Creator.
This breath of the Elohim is a very easy and gentle there is no need to breathe in a strenuous manner. As you breathe in and out say the names of the Seven Spirits Silently. In time the practice of this breath will become very relaxed and easy.
Breath IN Breath OUT
Hope- first beat Hope- first beat
Faith- second beat Faith- second beat
Love- third beat Love- third beat
Om- fourth beat Om- fourth beat
Christ- fifth beat Christ- fifth beat
Holy Spirit- sixth beat Holy Spirit- sixth beat
God- seventh beat God- seventh beat

This Elohim Breath of the Godhead is an also very easy and gentle. There is no need to breathe in a strenuous manner. You will notice that the Elohim Breath of the Godhead is a little deeper than the Breath of the Elohim, the first breath. As you breathe in and out say the names of the Seven Personalities of the Godhead Silently. In time the practice of this breath will become very relaxed and easy.
As you say the names of: IN / OUT Repeat names
1. Miriam /Yeshua also hear the name of Hope along with them.
2. Yasodhara/Buddha also hear the name of Faith along with them.
3. Uma/Brahman also hear the name of Love along with them.
4. Radharani/Krishna also hear the name of OM along with them.
5. I Am That I Am also hear the name of Christ along with them.
6. Unmanifested One also hear the name of the Holy Spirit along with them.
7. Melchizedek also hear the name of God along with them.
Once you have learned both breaths separately you are ready for the third breath. The third breath is a little more difficult but miraculous. It is the combining of the two breaths into one breath. Begin by breathing the 2nd breath until it is smooth and omfortable then begin to add the names of the Seven Spirits into the Elohim Breath of the Godhead.
As you say the names of:
1. Miriam /Yeshua also hear the name of Hope along with them.
2. Yasodhara/Buddha also hear the name of Faith along with them.
3. Uma/Brahman also hear the name of Love along with them.
4. Radharani/Krishna also hear the name of OM along with them.
5. I Am That I Am also hear the name of Christ along with them.
6. Unmanifested One also hear the name of the Holy Spirit along with them.
7. Melchizedek also hear the name of God along with them.

The next step is to add the names of the Elohim. Silently say one name on each beat of your heart like this:
Breathe In:
Hope- first beat
Faith- second beat
Love- third beat
Om- fourth beat
Christ- fifth beat
Holy Spirit- sixth beat
God- seventh beat

Our Mother and Father of Heaven Holy are Your Names Your Kingdom come, Your Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven Give us this day our daily bread Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us Lead us from temptation and deliver us from illusion For yours is the Kingdom, the Power and the
Glory forever,
